Smocking Ornaments for Trees for Troops

Updated: Oct 15, 2021

I know it is early to think about Christmas, but if you want to bring a little joy to someone else at Christmas time, now is the time to start thinking about using those special sewing and smocking skills. Tree for Troops is a national non-profit organization that delivers fresh Christmas trees to military bases and families around the world. When I was President of SAGA

(Smocking Arts Guild of America), we adopted as one of our charitable programs making ornaments for Trees for Troops.

Our members made and donated beautiful smocked, or embroidered Christmas ornaments to be delivered to our troops all over the world.

One of our ornaments went all the way to Guam! If you would like to put your sewing, smocking or crafting skills to work to benefit our military families, now is the time to whip up a few ornaments! Our new Smocked Christmas Ornament Book can help get the creative juices flowing!

SAGA collects the ornaments each year at their annual retreat. You can also contact Trees for Troops directly at the address listed on their website. If you hope to have one of your ornaments go over seas, you need to get the ornament to them be the beginning of November! Ornaments delivered after that will go to military families here in the States.

Lets use those sewing and smocking skills to support our troops!

#smocking #freepatterns #Christmas #SAGA