A Quick & Easy Baby Gift to Sew!

Updated: Feb 4, 2022

It was just two days before I was leaving for a dream vacation to Greece, I had a baby shower to attend the next day (day before we were going to leave) and I decided I should be practical and not kill myself. In other words, accept my time limitations and purchase a baby gift instead of trying to make something myself! But then, I went to the store and looked at the baby clothes. When did they get so ugly and so poor quality?

I could just whip something up. I stood in the store and hymned and hawed. I even called my friend Kelli so she could tell me I was crazy, and tell me to just purchase something, but instead she told me I could do it and she was right! I did accept that trying to make something smocked was a little too much, so I settled for this quick little outfit instead. 3 hours from start to finish and that includes the bow! I used this free pattern from Purl Soho for the outfit and this free pattern for the bow. I used Queen Anne's Lace organic knit and Navy Dot organic knit fabrics for the outfit (both are now sold out). I did almost the entire thing on the serger, which helped it go quickly because as Kelli says, serging is magical!

Of course, I had to make a few changes! I used 3 plastic snaps to attach the front. I used these snaps and yes, this is an affiliate link (I get a small commission if you purchase through this link). I placed the first snap 1/2" from the corner and the other two snaps 4 inches above and below the corner snap measuring from the corner snap, parallel to the finished edge. I also stitched in the ditch along the shoulder seam line to help hold the facing in place.

As I mentioned previously, I sewed this outfit almost entirely with my serger. The one place I didn't use my serger initially was the crotch seam.

Getting this correct is a little difficult. I chose to use my sewing machine so I could make sure that I had the overlap correct and that there would be no problem dressing and undressing the baby. Once I was satisfied, I serger the seam to provide extra stability. I also shorted the sleeve and leg length by 1/2" so I could add a contrasting binding. To make the binding, I cut a rectangle of fabric, that is 1 1/2" wide and as long as the circumference of the arm or leg plus 1/2" I sewed the band into a circle, folded it in half and stitched it to the arm or foot with the right side of the arm band to the wrong side of the arm. I folded this on the seam line to the right side and stitched in place using an edge stitch foot. The next time I make this pattern (and there definitely will be a next time), I will top stitch around the front edge to help keep the lining in place. This is now my "go to" baby pattern. It is quick and adorable - what more could you ask!