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A Basic Sewing Kit

My oldest daughter is out on her own and living in the big city. As many 20 somethings, she lives in a small city apartment with two roommates. While this set-up has many benefits, one of the challenges can be space. Leaving your latest sewing project out on the table doesn't go over well with the roommates if the table is the only place for food prep or for eating once that food is prepped! It also isn't too good for the sewing project!

My daughter is fortunate that her bedroom is large enough to accommodate a desk as well as a bed and dresser. So off to Ikea she went and now she has a sewing station! As she was putting together her sewing station, she realized that while she had that most important item (the machine), she didn't' have access to mom's many sewing notions that would enable her to put that machine to good use. So, her request for Santa this past Christmas, was a basic sewing kit! As resident Santa, it was my job to put together that kit, all in an easy stowable package that would enable her to keep her supplies together and room picked up (Mom can hope).

So here is what I put together for her. First up is this June Tailor Cutting and Pressing Mat.

June Tailor Cutting and Pressing Mat

Omnigrip  Ruler

Gingher Dress Making Sheers

Sewline Trio Marking Pencil

Grabbit Pin Cushion

Glass Head Pins

Sewing kit

While there are many other items that I love and use regularly when I sew, this should enable my daughter to get started with her first sewing project in her apartment!

Disclosure: I don't participate in affiliates and am not receiving any compensation for my recommendations. These are products that I chose for my daughter and am recommending because I like them and think they work well.

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