"And the stockings were hung by the chimney with care, in the hopes that Saint Nicholas soon would be there..." We can't forget to hang the stockings and how special to have a handmade one! Making a unique stocking is a way to give your Christmas decorating a signature touch. So here are some fun and free stocking patterns to sew!
If you like to quilt, then here are two wonderful ideas for quilted stockings from In Color Order. First, a Striped Stocking:
and second, a mini-patchwork stocking!
If you enjoy recycling as you stitch, then you might enjoy this Heirloom Stocking made from recycled linens by Decor to Adore,
or this stocking made from a vintage quilt that had seen better days by Quilting in the Rain.
Or maybe you just prefer a different shape and would like to try this Elf Stocking?
And Finally, here is a quick and easy stocking ornament for the tree or make a whole garland!